Why FisNex?
Who is FisNex and why do we exist?
In recent years, the world of E-Sport has taken off. This has contributed to a great demand from more E-Sports centers. However, it has also left a gap in the market as few people have the necessary skills and the fundamental expertise to build a successful E-Sports center.
Perhaps you are familiar with the technical necessities, or maybe you are experienced in the gaming world, but is your knowledge sufficient in both areas?
At Fisnex, we combine more than 22 years of experience within both areas. Therefore, our software solution is designed and based upon a solid foundation of expertise and experience.
We are constantly following the technological development and were one of the first to jump aboard the E-Sports wagon. With our reliable expertise, we are able to assist you every step of the way from start to finish.
Consequently, we have the right tools and market knowledge to eliminate any challenges that may arise during the process, so you are left to focus solely on your business.
Esport centres
Years of experience